private house

Nüziders / Vorarlberg


On its northern side the building marks the point of transition from building land to protected green land. The boundary between the  heterogeneous rural  development in the surroundings  and an area of reeds behind is drawn by the hermetic volume of the upper floor, which rests on a plinth with piers at the front that shape space.

Andreas Manahl

Team ARTEC Architekten:
Bettina Götz and Richard Manahl

together with Ed Hoke and Theo Lang

ARTEC Architekten

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ORIS 88, 2014. ORIS d.o.o., Zagreb. “New programs make new architecture possible”

Architektur & Bauforum, Nr. 142, Vienna 1991. "Haus Manahl / Nüziders"

Reserve der Form. Edited by Angelika Fitz and Klaus Stattmann & Künstlerhaus Wien

Beyond the Minimal, AA, London, 1998. Peter Allison (Curator)

Quaderns, Barcelona, Nr. 210, 1995. "Vivienda unifamiliar"

Standpunkte 1994, Forum Stadtpark Graz, 1994. Peter Zinganel (Curator)

Margherita Spiluttini, Neue Häuser, Architektur Fotographien, AZW, Löcker, Vienna 1993

Architektur als Engagement, HDA, Graz, 1993. Nikolaus Hellmayr, Peter Zinganel (Red.)

Zement + Beton, Nr. 2 1993. Walter Zschokke

Bau Art, Heft 3, Vienna 1992. Walter Zschokke: "Vielfalt und Qualität"

Wiener, Nr. 133, 1992. Peter Seipel: "Traumhäuser"

Architektur & Bauforum, Nr. 142, Vienna 1991. Walter M. Chramosta: "Dokumente des Widerstandes"

Architektur & Bauforum, Nr. 144, Vienna 1991. Walter M. Chramosta: "Stets strukturale Stringenz!"

Der Standard, Vienna, 1990. Denise Leising: "Dach frei nach Vorschrift"