apartment building on Tokiostrasse - The Town Musicians of Bremen

developers' competition, 1st prize

Vienna 10


In the dense package of different apartment types stacked atop one another along Tokiostraße, certain spots were left open: facing the street, an arcade space was created at the sidewalk (bus stop) and as a continuation of the atrium that extends the height of the building. The arcade is kept free as a covered space for pedestrians and, longer term, as reserve floor area for future uses (shops, restaurants, club rooms, etc.). Situated parallel to Tokiostraße, between the building lining the street and the courtyard-shaped building, is a space which, though its edges are defined, offers a publically accessible path through it.

Borrowing from the Brothers Grimm story The Town Musicians of Bremen in which a rooster, a cat, a dog, and a donkey are stacked atop one another to create an impressive silhouette made up of banal elements, stacking up different apartment types is the concept guiding the design of this modified terraced housing. Different apartment types, each with a private outdoor space, are stacked up, producing a dense suburban package: below, an arcade space faces the street, and walled gardens face the courtyard. On the next level are maisonettes oriented toward an atrium, then rowhouses with terraces, and at the very top, allotment houses separated by courtyards. Single-story units with two-story loggias on Tokiostraße (Casablanca typology) add to the variety of apartment types. This yielded  sculpted building massing and fronting out-door spaces. All units have cross-ventilation, and the kitchens and bathrooms receive daylight and can be ventilated naturally. It is this spatial weave of different apartment types, with omissions at mid-height to make room for playgrounds and an all-purpose space for the residents, that gives rise not only to a social mix, but also to that very structural quality that is an essential component of urbanity.

developers' competition,
invited proceeding,
1st prize

Neues Leben

Team ARTEC Architekten:
Bettina Götz and  Richard Manahl
project management: Michael Ivancsics
Heinrich Büchel, Helmut Lackner, Ronald Mikolics, Michael Murauer, Burkhard Schelischansky, Irene Yerro
visuals: Ivan Zdenkovic
models: Wolf Deucker, Katharina Kothmiller, Martins Pilens

Nomination, European Prize for Contemporary Architecture – Mies van der Rohe Award, 2010
Clients’ Prize awarded by the Zentralvereinigung der Architekten to Neues Leben, 2010

Margherita Spiluttini
ARTEC Architekten

photographies by Marc Räder:

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landscape planning, open space design: DI Jakob Fina, Vienna
structural Engineering: DI Anton Harrer, Krems
building services planning: Ing. Johann Ernst, Olbendorf
electricity planning: DI Michael Künzl, Vienna
building physics: Ing. Rainer Stepan, Vienna

start of planning: 2006
start of construction: 2008
completion: 2009

plot area: 3.549 m²
build-up area:  2.485 m² (above-ground)
gross floor area: 11.603 m² (above-ground)
gross floor area: 14.859 (total)
effective floor area: 9.413 m²
density of buildings: 3,27
enclosed space (above-ground.): 39.933 m³
enclosed space  (total):  48.881 m³

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