Situating the building’s circulation system at the center fragments the building massing and puts the stairway in a spatial relationship to the street heading toward it. The apartment types change as the building rises. Loggias of differing widths projecting out from the elevation toward the street – some extending to the building line, others stopping short of it – create private outdoor spaces large enough to accommodate different functions. They also allow the outermost layer of the facade to stand out in high relief.
Mischek Bau AG
Team ARTEC Architekten:
Bettina Götz and Richard Manahl
Julia Beer, Marie-Theres Holler, Maria Kirchweger, Helmut Lackner, Ronald Mikolics, Irene Prieler, Michael Werner, Anna Maria Wolf
visuals: Ivan Zdenkovic, Lotte Schreiber, Andreas Baumgartner
Lukas Schaller
Margherita Spiluttini
Marc Lins
structural engineering, building physics: Mischek ZT- GmbH, Vienna
building services planning: Mischek ZT- GmbH, Vienna
general planning: Mischek Bau AG, Vienna
start of planning: 1999
start of construcktion: 2002
completion: 2004
plot area: 734 m²
built-up area: 541 m²
gross floor area: 4.371 m²
effective floor area: 2.950 m²
Die Presse, Spektrum, Vienna, 16. 10. 2004. Wojciech Czaja: „Nichts als städtische Poesie“
ARTEC Architekten. Catalogue for the internet project of www.gaaleriie.net, Alena Hanzlova (editor), Prague 2006
SKIN 02 Nov 06, Architektur&Bauforum, Vienna, Wojciech Czaja: „Häuser lassen Hüllen fallen“
L’architecture d’aujourd’hui, Nr. 358, mai-juin 2005, Christian Kühn: « Trois immeubles d´habitation, Vienne, Autriche »
Immer mehr Licht?, Klaus Spechtenhauser, Michelle Corrodi, ETH Wohnforum, Departement Architektur, 2005
Der Standard, Vienna, 13./14. 11. 2004, Isabella Marboe: „Raffinesse im Plattenbau“
Falter, Oktober 2004, Spezial 08 (Beilage)